How Car Motors Work: A Basic Overview

A car has the ability to use energy provided by fuel for movement. This process transforms fuel to mechanical energy that propels the car by making engine components and wheels move. This movement changes mechanical energy into kinetic energy. Fuel contains hydrocarbons, and burning hydrocarbons results in a split of molecules, which produces energy. Combustion engines in automobiles are the catalysts for energy production for cars. The enclosed area under the hood enables the containment and capture of heat energy during combustion. By learning how car motors work, motorists can have a deeper understanding and appreciation of the power under the hood.

Car engines consist of cylinders responsible for burning fuel. These sealed containers move between open and closed positions. The cylinders also have pistons inside of them that move up and down. Inlet valves on the tops of the cylinders also move between open and closed positions to allow fuel and air into the cylinders. The ratio between fuel and oxygen is important. For every one part of fuel, the engine needs 14 parts of oxygen. When the mixture of fuel and oxygen enters the cylinders, a spark plug provides the necessary spark, which begins the combustion process. This force moves the pistons to the bottom of the cylinders. Next, the pistons move back up to the tops of the cylinders, while outlet valves move exhaust gases out of the cylinders. A crankshaft connects to the cylinders at the bottoms, ensuring that the energy produced moves the wheels.

Automobile engines consist of other engine parts that all work together for propulsion. A timing belt is responsible for synchronizing the movement of the crankshaft to ensure that valves open and close at the correct times. Motor oil is another important component, ensuring that all engine parts receive adequate lubrication. Motor oil prevents damaging corrosion, helps keep the engine cool, and enhances sealing. Special rings located at the tops of the piston heads prevents motor oil from entering into the combustion process, but cylinders still receive lubrication. The electrical system is responsible for distributing electricity to the spark plugs at the correct time. The alternator converts mechanical energy to kinetic energy to run all electrical systems in the car and to maintain the battery's charge.

To prevent overheating, a cooling system moves heat away from components. A mixture of antifreeze and water in the radiator and moving air reduces the temperature of coolant before it moves through the car engine again. The water pump also helps with proper pressurization of the cooling system. Special channels are in place around the cylinders, which also aid in cooling.

Learn more about how car motors work by visiting these online resources: