An interview with DJ Perry by Sgt Pepper
DJ Perry stars as Detective
Lynn Kendall
in the film
BJ: What was it like to work with Terry on the set?
DJ: Well...You know I was telling Terence about that yesterday, that I learned a
.The final scene that we say good-bye to one another, he told me yesterday that was one of
his favourite scenes in his career that he's done... emotionally.
And the thing is that Terence is just... once he steps on set and it's time to roll he's
completely there.
I mean he is a pro... He definitely has the charisma...the charm and I think that this
movie is going to put Terence right back in the lime light because... You know I think
that Hollywood tends to be a little trendy... and what he is going to show here is that he
has the Martin Sheen like chops... He's there...
BJ:In my opinion , for movies, he is fantastic for television... I mean there was "St.Elsewhere" and "Tour of Duty".
DJ: We are hoping that this is something that helps to propel him into the big screen.
BJ: When I saw it... It was fantastic... it was the best movie performance I have ever seen from him... And you were no sham either.
DJ: Thank you. It was a real honour to work with Terence.
And the thing is he is just the nicest guy off the set... That's the other thing is
because I'm from Michigan and I'm very down to earth and I don't like the attitudes. I
won't work for higher people that have those kind of attitudes... and Terence Knox is just
salt of the earth kind of guy.
BJ: Yes he is... TJ told me of a scene that didn't quite go off at the moment because it had to be cut out...It was where you guys were at the van, no on the farm where you and him come together and him [TJ] and Dan show up... and you guys are passing peanuts around... then Tony goes action and Terry has the first line...
DJ:If my memory serves me right, Dan Haggerty showed up with a pocket full of peanuts... and we were waiting for cameras to roll so, we all started eating them... Next thing we know... they're saying lines and Knox spit peanuts in my face on accident and then Dan started laughing and people started spitting peanuts on each other... we had to scrap the whole thing for a minute. But... I think that it was Dan Haggerty's fault... most things are...
BJ: I had asked Terry who was the best prankster between the two of them...
DJ: Between Dan and Terry?
BJ: Yes, and he said.........Oh he was........not Dan but him. And I asked why and he said because Dan doesn't get up early enough... Dan turned around and told me... well the boy is from and insane asylum...
DJ: I'll tell you again... see... both of those guys and their tall tales... Terry
Jernigan is the best prankster on the set who played Detective Sheridan. Both Dan and
Terence Knox have to step aside on that... I they're both pulling your leg on that.
Neither one of them get up very early... They'll stay up late though.
Well Dan will stay up late.
BJ: Terry use to pull some wonderful pranks on "Tour of Duty"... One was in "Angel of Mercy"... well he was a prankster throughout all three seasons but his favourite came from one of the first episodes of the series... and that was where he hung Stan Foster's chair in a tree and then took a Polaroid picture...
DJ: See he didn't pull any big ones.. he was always busting on me through the
whole thing... calling me Junior, this and that... The one funny scene was where we were
doing the search scene... and we both were going around the woodshed and stuff like that
and I heard something up in a tree... it was a squirrel.
Well I'm looking up in the tree and he comes around the corner and sees me and he wonders
why I'm searching... since we are suppose to be looking for where this body is.......why
am I looking up in the trees... And so that was a little bit of a thing with him... I
don't know... I think they are slowing down... Mathau and Jernigan defiantly had more
pranks going than either one of the two of them... But they will BS you on a dime if you
are not paying attention... Like I said I think that it is a toss up...
BJ: I could tell you what... for our age level... I am right up there with Terry and Dan... They would still have to get up a whole lot earlier to pull one on me... my daughter can tell you that.
I heard about a project called "Wild Michigan"... Terry doesn't want to talk
about it...What is that about???
DJ: "Wild Michigan" will be a western, straight up western that takes
place in the late 1800's in Michigan and yes, Dan Haggerty and Terence Knox will both be
back... And Terence Knox will be in a co-starring position in the thing.
But a lot of it is based on distributors right now... really enjoy his work and also the
chemistry that he and I had... I am looking forward to working with him again.
So that will answer the question that I really enjoyed working with him... Like I said
he's just a very down the earth guy and when you get the camera on him... it's go time...
and he's very passionate... But everyone on this film was very passionate because of the
subject matter.
Projects like this like "An Ordinary Killer" or "Wild Michigan",
Terence's fans need to really focus on what he is doing or what he is going to do rather
than what he has done because Hollywood needs to stop looking at certain actors like they
are past their prime. Because the on thing is Terence Knox is every bit as good as Charlie
Sheen or any of these other powerful actors you see in these parts. When you see him on
screen, he's got the look, got the authority, he's got everything going for him.Hollywood
is so fickle. They either get behind somebody or they don't.
And I am hoping a hundred percent that this movie light a fire under his career. Because
of all the people Terence is so nice, down to earth, he's a good person... he deserves
it... And it might come down to some point can someone keep up with the grilling schedule
of a series or what not but he can do it because he's got the talent.... and I know that I
will defiantly work with Terence Knox again.
Matter of fact as you have already undisolved... "Wild Michigan" you are already
on the hunt on that because early cuts of the movie Cindy Rice, our development person,
saw... the chemistry so good between Terence and I said that you would be foolish not to
revisit that.
BJ: I don't know if you noticed or not but, every one of his fans are hoping for a come back.... We have a petition going for somebody to get him out there and on there.
Chris: He's there...
DJ: I didn't see that petition but you know what?
We found him... You know what... Screw the petition... all you need to do is rally behind
"An Ordinary Killer" and any other that he comes out and struts his stuff in...
and you make that a hit...
BJ: We defiantly will... When it comes to Terry... I mean we are.... well....
DJ: The thing is.. if he was a ***hole in any way... you would wonder why all these people are rallying around him... he is a truly nice spirited person. And if anyone is deserving of such a loyal fan base it is Terence... I look all that... and I've seen it... even inbodied in yourself... I hope one day... I really do.. that I have a fan base even if consisting of just a few people that really believe that strongly. Even a dozen people can make a huge difference in somebody's career.
BJ: There is nobody and my daughter can tell you there is nobody on earth that is a bigger fan of Terry's than I am.
DJ: That's awesome... Who's the other guy that Terry always talks to me about that's his good friend?
BJ: Which one?
DJ: Name some names...
BJ: Tony Becker...
DJ: That's the one... he and Terry are good friends..
BJ: They use to play basketball...
DJ: How did Terence come out? Out of all the other... well we talked about Dirk
Benidict or we talked about any of the other number great actors how did Terence become
your favourite?
I'm interviewing you now...
Theresa:(SgtPeppers Daughter): Yeah Mom... he turned the tables on you...
DJ: Now that works... I love that...
BJ: The tables got turned...
DJ: Yeah, yeah... we're interviewing you... We are going to find out how this obsession started cause it's wonderful... How did Terry gain your attention over everybody else?
BJ: I had first seen him in "St.Elsewhere"... When my son was with me... he would watch "Tour of Duty". He would turn it on everytime it was on... and he had said. "Mom you gotta sit down here and watch this..." The first face that I saw on screen was Terry's.... and it wasn't just and iddy biddy picture... it was the whole screen...
DJ: He has a good mug on the screen doesn't he?
BJ: Oh yes he does...
DJ: You know I think that Terry is ageing very well...
BJ:He is ageing very gracefully.... I wish that I could age that well....
Theresa:(Sgt P's Daughter):Me too...
BJ:You are Theresa...She is 35...
DJ: I hope that I can attract some loyal fans like Terry... Other than my mother... I got my best friend, since first grade...Terence use to bust Terry a lot... because you know what they are both smart alecks... Terence and I are we really jive but, Terence and Terry are very much alike in personalities...they really do like each other...
BJ: Terry kept getting ready to go and talking to the lady over in the office... then Terry looks over and says to him... "For a guy who is going... he sure is taking a long time to leave."
DJ: How many Terence Knox movies do you have?
BJ: I don't have any except what I taped from the TV and that is ruined because my VCR broke... So I don't have any anymore... but I would almost give my right arm to have them all...especially "City Killer" oh I love that one...He is playing a whacko...
DJ: He is a whacko... That's what we love about him... I'm going to check it out... "City Killer"... Who else is in it?
BJ: You really want to know the truth? I really don't remember...
DJ: Just Terry huh?
BJ: That's it...
DJ: Well, you know what? I'm going to go see it... because I watched "Tour of Duty" when it was on only so that I could see Terry only after the fact. See what he was doing... I got a kick out of it...I think that he is a better actor now...I think his wisdom...
...................The tape ended there but, DJ,Chris, Theresa, and I talked on
until 3 A.M. Mostly about Terry...I was rather relieved when I heard the tape stop...DJ
and Theresa were trying their best to dig out of me... just exactly how I really feel
about the Great Terence Knox...
My only reply to all...
The man does when I think of him and this past weekend when he played with Bubba and my grandkids................ KNOXMEOUT!!!