Tour of Duty Videos Released in Germany

Zeit Der Vergessenen Helden

These Tour of Duty videos were released in Germany.
They are dubbed into German. 
Different actors seem to voice the actors on the different tapes.
They contain the original music.
Each tape is made up of two episodes from the series. 
They are no longer in production.

  alternative cover  
This is the same tape with two different covers.
This tape contains the Pilot episode and Notes from the underground.

  Siagon parts 1&2 
This tape contains the episodes Saigon part 1 & Saigon part 2.

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Tour Of Duty how its meant to be with the Original music soundtrack

Tour Of Duty how its meant to be
with the Original Music

Tour Of Duty how its meant to be
with the Original Music

Tour Of Duty how its meant to be
with the Original Music