Tour of Duty Videos released in France, L'Enfer Du Devoir

                                     Tour of Duty was called L'Enfer Du Devoir in France and there were at Least seven tapes released.


I have no details of these at all about these three covers , if you can help please get in touch .

These Tour of Duty videos below were released in France.
They are dubbed into French.
They contain the original music. 
Each tape is made up of two episodes from the series. 
They are no longer in production.

This tape contains the episodes Commando vietnam & Le Tunnel de la mort
The Pilot episode & Notes from the Underground
English translation=Vietnam Commando
English translation= The Tunnel of Death

This tape contains the episodes Embuscades & Commando Special
This tape contains the episodes ? & ?
English translation=Ambushes
English translation=Special Forces

This tape contains the episodes L'appat & Rivalites
This tape contains the episodes ? & ?
English translation= The Bait
English translation=Competitions/Rivalries

This tape contains the episodes Freres, peres et fils & Les bons, les mechants et les morts.
This tape contains the episodes ? & ?
English translation=Brothers, Fathers, and Sons 
English translation=The Good, the malicious ones and  the deaths.

If you have any more information about this French set please contact me. 

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Tour Of Duty how its meant to be
with the Original Music

Tour Of Duty how its meant to be
with the Original Music

Tour Of Duty how its meant to be
with the Original Music